2019 Festival of Learning at MIT is on Jan 30
On January 30, 2019 from 9:30am-4:00pm join us for a day of immersive learning, futuristic experiences, and visions of education to come from thought leaders in pioneering initiatives.
Explore the frontiers of virtual learning with hands-on activities and learn about cutting edge initiatives at the institute and beyond.
The event is free to the MIT community but registration (open in early January) is required.
9:30-10:00 (10-250 Lobby) Continental Breakfast
10:00-11:00 (10-250) Keynote Address: Math For All: Building a Thinking Society
Po-Shen Loh, mathematician, Associate Professor Carnegie Mellon University, founder of Expii, coach of US International Math Olympiad Team
11:00-12:30 (10-250) Panel: Virtual Experience, Real Liberation: Technologies for Education and the Arts
Extended Reality (XR) Technologies for Social Empowerment and Learning:
D. Fox Harrell, Professor of Digital Media and Artificial Intelligence, MIT; Director of the MIT Center for Advanced Virtuality
Using Immersive Virtual Environments to Combat Implicit Bias and Stereotype Threat:
Tabitha Peck, Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, Davidson College; Associate Editor, Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments
Bringing the Joy of Music Making to Non-Musicians:
Eran Egozy, Professor of the Practice in Music Technology, MIT; Co-founder Harmonix; Clarinetist with Radius Ensemble
12:30-2:00 (Lobbies 10 & 13) Learning Expo. Engage with thirty MIT initiatives from throughout the Institute. Lunch provided.
2:00 Workshops
Applying Learning Sciences to Instruction: An Introductory Workshop with Aaron Kessler, Senior Learning Scientist (2:00-4:00; 2-135)
Experiential Learning at MIT: What’s Our Future? with Kate Trimble, Senior Associate Dean, Director OEL, MIT (2:00-3:30; 2-136)
An Introduction to Body-Ownership Illusions with Tabitha Peck, Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, Davidson College (2:00-3:00; 2-132)
The Festival is free to the MIT community but registration is required. Registration opens early January. The Festival of Learning is a partnership between MIT OpenLearning (OL) and the Office of the Vice Chancellor.