AAU Campus Climate Survey on Sexual Misconduct
MIT invites all regular registered undergraduates and graduate students over 18 years of age to answer the 2019 AAU Campus Climate Survey on Sexual Assault and Misconduct.
The AAU Campus Climate Survey on Sexual Misconduct is a follow-up to MIT’s 2014 Community Attitudes on Sexual Assault. Similar to many of our peers, including Stanford, Harvard and Yale, we are running the core survey with a few questions added to expand our understanding of gender- and identity-based harassment.
The AAU survey will allow the Institute to measure the progress made to combat sexual misconduct in greater depth. This survey gives students a way to provide more information in a way that has no identifying information about an individual or a particular group connected to the individual survey response, or the final results.
An FAQ and additional information is available on https://chancellor.mit.edu/aausurvey
- No identifying information about an individual or a particular group is connected to the survey or the survey links: we only know the responses to questions students choose to answer.
- Survey topics include Campus Climate; Perceptions of Risk; Knowledge of Resources and Programs; Harassment; Stalking; Intimate Partner Violence; Sexual Violence; Opinions of Program Services; Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training; Perceptions of Responses to Reporting; and Bystander Behavior.
- Most respondents will finish the survey in less than 20 minutes.
- Students will get a $10 Amazon.com gift code or may choose to donate anonymously to one of several organizations.
- The results will be released to the MIT community in Fall 2019; most schools posted the full report Westat created in 2015; MIT will likely do the same.
- An FAQ and additional information is available onhttps://chancellor.mit.edu/aausurvey.
- Questions? Email the survey team at aausurvey@mit.edu