Celebrating UROP at Family Weekend
The Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program’s 50th anniversary was the focus of several events during MIT Family Weekend on Saturday, October 26.
To kick things off, Vice Chancellor Ian Waitz introduced a morning panel in Kresge Auditorium facilitated by Kate Trimble, senior associate dean and director of the Office of Experiential Learning. Three outstanding UROP students shared their experiences with the program: sophomore Carene Umubyeyi, a Course 1-ENG major; senior Steven Truong, a course 20 major; and junior Paolo Adajar, a Course 14-2 major. Each of them spoke passionately about UROP and the critical ways that faculty-mentored research positively impacted their chosen paths.
In the afternoon, UROP students from various disciplines participated in a sold-out luncheon event in Lobdell cafeteria. The student hosts shared details about their current research and answered questions about both UROP and life at MIT. A poster session followed in La Sala de Puerto Rico, featuring 20 UROP students from various disciplines showcasing their research to hundreds of attendees. UROP Office staff were also in attendance to facilitate the event, greet families, and answer queries.
Additional events will be held throughout the academic year to celebrate UROP’s 50th, so stay tuned! In the meantime, please enjoy our new video marking this significant milestone.
—Melissa Martin-Greene, UROP

Vice Chancellor Waitz introduces the UROP panel in Kresge Auditorium.