MIT’s Army ROTC Adapts to Covid-19

Cadet Collard receiving his Certificate of Achievement from LTG Flynn at the Pentagon
MIT Army ROTC recently welcomed cadets back from a historic summer of virtual events and a multitude of in-person internships around the country. Notably, Cadet Collard made a significant impact at the Pentagon working with Lieutenant General Flynn, conducting strategic-level planning operations.
COVID continued to put a damper on Cadet Summer Training, including the cancelation of the annual gathering of over 4,500 cadets at Fort Knox, Kentucky. The Army and Cadet Command responded with Operation Agile Leader, a 10-day exercise at Camp Edwards, Massachusetts, on Cape Cod. During this historic training event, cadets from MIT, Boston University, University of Maine, and Northeastern were tested on their leadership skills, attributes, and military competencies. Additionally, MIT Army ROTC is leading Cadet Command through the annual Hackathon event. Cadets will utilize their leadership and technical skills to brainstorm, resource, and provide multiple solutions to problem sets given to them by working with Lincoln Labs and the Army’s Special Operations Command.
Finally, the MIT Army ROTC Team would like to thank Captain Joe Swain for his continued dedication to duty and the immense amount of time and effort he contributed to the program. Joe will be joining the U.S. Army Reserves and attending BC Law for the next three years. New to the program are Major Tom Allen and Captain David Tejeda, both excited to bring a plethora of experience and knowledge to the cadets.
If you are interested in following MIT Army ROTC on social media, please check us out on Facebook @PaulRevereBattalion, on Instagram @mitarmyrotc, and on Twitter @mitarmyrotc.
— Lisa Morin, Army ROTC