Pandemic-related Completion Delays for PhD Students
If you feel that your dissertation research progress has been adversely impacted by COVID-19, and you believe you will need financial support for time beyond your program’s funding package, MIT is committed to ensuring you are funded for the COVID-related delay.
Late-stage PhD students who are 1) at or near the end of their funding packages AND 2) experiencing pandemic-related completion delays, should follow the steps below to access a pandemic-related funding extension…
- Contact your program administrator, AND/OR the Office of the Vice Chancellor (OVC) at covid-extensions@mit.edu.
- Let them know that you are in need of a Covid-related extension. Please note that OVC will ask you if you have first made contact with your program administrator. This will not be a means-tested process.
In addition the GSC and MIT COVID Relief are eager to hear from you and advocate upon your behalf:
- Survey: COVID-19 Barriers for Graduate Students
- MIT COVID Relief: mitcovidrelief@gmail.com
- GSC Officers: gsc-officers@mit.edu
- GSC Academics, Research and Careers (good place to raise issues not being addressed yet): gsc-arc@mit.edu
For additional resources and information, visit https://gsc.mit.edu/funding-for-research-delayed-by-covid-19/.