Elizabeth Bieler would like to complete her two-year MIT master’s degree program in one year, and she probably will — while also a dedicated volunteer and officer in the Air National Guard. In manners both public and personal, Bieler seems drawn to service.
MIT’s graduate program in engineering has again earned a No. 1 spot in U.S. News and Word Report’s annual rankings, a place it has held since 1990, when the magazine first ranked such programs.
On Saturday, March 3, the Beaver Works facility was alive with hardworking university students collaborating with Boston-area citizens with disabilities.
The MIT Excellence Awards and Collier Medal are among the highest honors awarded to staff, and acknowledge the extraordinary efforts made in the spirit of fulfilling the goals, values, and mission of the Institute. The entire MIT community is invited to attend the 2018 MIT Excellence Awards and Collier Medal ceremony and reception on Tuesday,…