If you walked down the Infinite Corridor at any point this fall, you may have noticed that the typically bustling undergraduate Admissions Office was unusually quiet. Each fall, as our OVC colleagues welcome new and returning students to campus, MIT undergraduate admissions officers hit the road to replenish our ranks. This year, 16 admissions officers…
This fall, MIT Army ROTC proudly welcomed the program’s largest first year cohort in years. Our cadets planned the program’s orientation weekend to introduce the first year students to the Army, ROTC, and MIT as a whole. Known as the Paul Revere Challenge, the orientation consisted of administrative tasks, military customs, courtesies, drill and ceremony,…
What happens when two MIT graduate students decide to tackle two weighty problems—lack of affordable housing for students and isolation among the elder population? The result is Nesterly, a match-making app that provides an innovative solution to both issues.
As part of this year’s freshman orientation at MIT, new students encountered the typical lineup of takeaways: booklets and brochures, a list of 101 things to do before they graduate, lots of T-shirts, pens, etc. For the first time, however, they were also given a completely new version of the old campus staple: the backpack.
In a letter to the MIT community today, Chancellor Cynthia Barnhart announced she has appointed Ian A. Waitz to the newly created position of vice chancellor responsible for leading and integrating the offices for graduate and undergraduate education. In his new role, which begins July 1, Waitz will be working alongside students, faculty, and staff…