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News & Events


New OGE Offices in Building 3 (OGE)

In December, the Office of Graduate Education consolidated and moved into updated offices in Building 3. The main office, Fellowships, and GradDiversity staff are housed in 3-107, and GradSupport, Grad Families, and Communications staff now work from 3-138. Please stop by and say hello!
Graduate students

Celebrate our Graduate Students!

This April 4 – 8, MIT will celebrate Graduate Student Appreciation Week (GSAW). It presents a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate our gratitude for the contributions, impact, and value of grad students. They inspire us every day with their passionate curiosity, visionary research, and bold innovations. The Office of Graduate Education is coordinating a roster of events for…

Prehealth Advising Inaugurates IAP Medical Interpreting Certification Class

MIT’s ActLingual student group had a novel request for Prehealth Advising: Could MIT offer a medical interpreting class for bilingual students? The CAPD team took up the challenge. In January, Prehealth Advising launched and helped subsidize an intensive IAP course for 24 students to become certified medical interpreters. The class, which met four days a…

Transfer Students Kick Off a New Tradition

Our transfer students were excited to start a new and fun tradition of meeting up for dinner at a different dining hall every month. Less than 30 undergraduates transfer to MIT from another university every year, and because they experience MIT differently than other students, they often rely and seek support from one another. The…
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