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OVC Update


Welcome to MIT from Team Chancellor

On behalf of the entire Chancellor’s Office, welcome to MIT! The three of us (Chancellor Melissa Nobles, Provost Cynthia Barnhart, and Vice Chancellor Ian Waitz) work together to provide all graduate students with meaningful student life and learning experiences.

Upcoming Covid testing changes at MIT

Highlights: As of June 17, MIT is ending observed PCR testing through the MIT Medical trailer. Beginning July 1, unobserved PCR testing will be available only to community members who are experiencing Covid symptoms. A new Covid test kit will be required for unobserved testing; current kits will no longer be valid. The new test…
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Unionization Election Results

To the members of the MIT community, We write to update you on the efforts by a group of MIT graduate students to form a union affiliated with the United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America (UE). Please see below a letter we sent today to our graduate students, sharing the results of the…
MIT Seal

AY23 Graduate Student Stipend Levels, Insurance Rates, & Additional Support

Dear Students & Colleagues, We write to share decisions about a stipend increase, holding health insurance rates flat, and other financial enhancements set for Academic Year 2022-23 (AY2023). Building on MIT’s commitments in recent years to provide all graduate students with greater financial security, these new measures are an outcome of our annual stipend-setting process and…
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Update: Graduate unionization vote set for April 4-5

April 4–5 will be the dates for an NLRB-run election to decide whether some MIT graduate students will form a union affiliated with the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE). The proposed union now includes about 3,750 of MIT’s 7,000 graduate students: The UE has decided to exclude the rest, including all…
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Update: Casting an informed vote on graduate student unionization

MIT has declined a request to recognize a graduate student union without an election: “All eligible students should have the chance to choose for themselves.” Institute senior leaders do not believe a graduate student union will produce better, or quicker, outcomes for students: “Promises about what collective bargaining can deliver have been overstated.” At MIT,…
Kate Trimble

Welcoming a new OVC Chief of Staff

Dear OVC Colleagues, I am pleased to announce the appointment of Kate Trimble as Senior Associate Dean for Experiential Learning and Chief of Staff for the OVC, starting on March 14. Kate will continue her oversight of the Office of Experiential Learning (OEL) and build upon the excellent work of her predecessor, Mary Markel Murphy,…
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Update: MIT’s Need-Blind Admissions

You may have read about recent antitrust class action lawsuits against universities questioning their need-blind admissions practices. As is our practice for pending litigation, MIT will not comment on the specific allegations of the lawsuit that was filed, but we firmly believe that our admissions and financial aid practices comply with all laws and we…
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