To the members of the MIT community, We write to update you on the efforts by a group of MIT graduate students to form a union affiliated with the United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America (UE). Please see below a letter we sent today to our graduate students, sharing the results of the…
Dear Students & Colleagues, We write to share decisions about a stipend increase, holding health insurance rates flat, and other financial enhancements set for Academic Year 2022-23 (AY2023). Building on MIT’s commitments in recent years to provide all graduate students with greater financial security, these new measures are an outcome of our annual stipend-setting process and…
The 21st annual IDEAS Social Innovation Challenge held its first-ever hybrid award ceremony on Sunday, April 24th at the MIT Media Lab. The event celebrated the 2022 IDEAS Finalist Cohort, finalists from past years, and the many other IDEAS community members that make the program possible. The event was dedicated to the PKG Center co-founder,…
Standardized tests help the Institute’s admissions team identify and assess students from all backgrounds, says MIT’s dean of admissions and student financial services.
This year, we will be holding two events to honor our OVC Infinite Mile Award recipients. We hope you will join us! Hybrid Infinite Mile Awards Ceremony June 13, 3:00-4:00 pm For those wishing to celebrate the award ceremony in-person, it will be held in the new Admissions Welcome Center Auditorium located at 292 Main…
Admissions Stephanie Mac, Administrative Assistant II Bailey Olmstead, Administrative Assistant II Shara Zimmerman, Administrative Assistant II CAPD Mitchell Moise, Employer Relations Coordinator DLab Sorin Grama, Instructor Susan Murcott, Lecturer Eliza Squibb, Instructor Edgerton Justin Schmidt, Instructor Experimental Study Group Stephen Lyons, Visiting Lecturer Office Of Graduate Education Beth Marois, Assistant Dean for Student Support &…
Recognizing a need for support for students who are veterans, OVC recently hired Liam Gale as program administrator for Student Veteran Success. As part of the Registrar’s Office staff, he will work to create a dedicated office that focuses on advocacy, outreach, and collaboration with other offices to improve the overall experience for the military…
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