First Generation Program Fall Roundup
The First Generation Program (FGP), housed in the Office of the First Year, has had a busy start to the academic year. We began the semester with the second annual Welcome Dinner in early September with 50 first-year, first generation students in attendance. Students had an opportunity to get to know each other and meet members of our student advisory board. In addition, we’ve hosted three faculty lunches this fall, where students can connect with first generation faculty in a casual environment, away from a formal classroom setting. We have five more faculty lunches to go this semester!
This year, FGP staff and the student advisory board have intentionally focused our efforts on implementing more student-centric programming that will benefit our students academically and socially. We held a Financial Literacy workshop to answer student’s questions on student loans, credit scores, and how to develop a personal budget. Also, every month a member of the student advisory board hosts a study break where students can eat ice cream, color, do homework, or just relax.
To finish up the semester, we’re working with UROP staff to help students find a UROP that interests them. And in conjunction with the Office of Multicultural Programs we’re hosting a Going Home program to help students navigate conversations with family and friends when they are home for the holidays.
The FGP student advisory board welcomes collaboration on future programming. Feel free to email Taylor Pons if a joint program is something your department would be interested in.
—Taylor Pons, Office of the First Year