New Atlas Features for Undergraduates Coming Soon!
In the fall of 2018, MIT undergraduates in the School of Science participated in a pilot project to test a new online Student Dashboard.
Created through a partnership between IS&T and the Registrar’s Office, the Dashboard provides easier access to important academic, financial, and student life information by uniting a number of systems. Such functionality and integration have long been requested by students seeking a “one-stop shop” approach to managing their time at MIT.
Not intended to replace WebSIS (the current student information system) the Dashboard is instead a “view” or interface that sits on top, enabling students to see personal information on items such as academic and PE registration, Dining Dollars, TechCASH, UROPs, and their biographic profile at a glance. In addition, the Dashboard features a calendar display including assignments from Stellar (MIT’s primary learning management system) and other key administrative dates and deadlines.
In September, the Student Dashboard will be incorporated into Atlas for a more streamlined experience for all undergraduates, combining academic information and tools with the capabilities students already use. Similar updates are planned for graduate students soon.
MIT students are encouraged to provide feedback so the project team can enrich and improve the experience. Suggestions can be submitted through the “Feedback” button on the middle right of the home page in Atlas, or send email to