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Online Training Modules Enhance First-Year Advising

As part of a larger project to enhance first-year undergraduate advising, the Office of the First Year, in collaboration with OVC headquarters and TLL, launched a new first-year advisor training course on MITx. Production of the training was spearheaded by Kate Weishaar with video production assistance from Ben Gray, a senior in Mechanical Engineering. The course features videos of superstar first-year faculty advisors, easily digestible summaries of research-backed practices, and modules for each key moment in the first year at MIT. Designed to supplement the existing in-person orientation for advisors, the modules provide optional enrichment for advisors seeking to enhance their developmental advising skills.

The modules are self-paced, live year-round, and accessible to anyone at MIT through the residential MITx platform. You can also view the videos directly on YouTube through the links below.


For more information, contact Kate Weishaar,

— Kate Weishaar, OVC HQ/OFY