Update on Pre-Registration
Dear Students,
As you know, pre-registration for summer and fall terms typically opens on May 1st. However, due to the ongoing disruption associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, departments are still developing their fall teaching plans. The Institute is weighing various scenarios with the goal of providing an excellent learning experience for students and safely managing the eventual return to campus.
With this in mind, we have decided to postpone publishing the online subject listing and schedule for the fall term and the opening of pre-registration for a short time. This delay will allow departments to refine their plans further and provide a more meaningful and accurate subject listing for fall. We will send another notification when the opening date for fall pre-registration has been determined.
We have also decided that pre-registration for summer session will not be necessary this year. Summer subject selections will be entered directly in the online registration system when it opens on June 1st. Summer subjects may be found in the current published version of the online subject listing by selecting the “Advanced Search” link and then the summer radio button. The Faculty Officers are still discussing whether or not the alternate grading in operation this term will be continued in the summer. A decision on this will also be made soon.
Questions about pre-registration should be sent to the Registrar’s Office at records@mit.edu.
Ian A. Waitz & Mary Callahan
Ian A. Waitz, Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate and Graduate Education and Jerome C. Hunsaker Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Mary Callahan, Registrar and Senior Associate Dean