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Team Chancellor: Ian Waitz, Cynthia Barnhart, Suzy Nelson

Ice Cream Social on 9/3

Enjoy Cool Treats on Reg Day with Team Chancellor. September 3 (Reg Day) 2:00PM-3:00PM Kresge Oval Sponsored by the Office of the Chancellor, Office of the Vice Chancellor, Division of Student Life, and MIT Dining.  

Announcing “Data Talks”: New workshop series for staff

I’m excited to let you know about a new workshop series for staff called “Data Talks”. The launch event, “Discovering Administrative Data” is on Aug. 13, 1:00-2:30 pm in 2-190. This series, designed for members of the MIT community who use data to inform decision-making and for those simply interested in learning more about the…
students at CPW

Campus Preview Weekend Begins!

Admitted students to the Class of 2023 and their families will get a taste of life at MIT for 3.14159 days at over 650 events across campus.
Macvicar Day poster

MacVicar Day Symposium

Through a series of lightning talks, MIT faculty and students will explore what is important to a modern undergraduate education and what skills, ideas, and experiences students should expect to leave college with. Vice Chancellor Ian Waitz will host and introduce the 2019 MacVicar Faculty Fellows. Open to the entire MIT community. Friday, March 8…
Team Chancellor: Ian Waitz, Cynthia Barnhart, Suzy Nelson

RAK Week Study Break with Team Chancellor

In celebration of RAK Week, undergraduate and graduate students are invited to a study break hosted by Chancellor Cynthia Barnhart and Vice Chancellor Ian Waitz. Take a break from your work and enjoy delicious treats, camaraderie, and conversation!
MIT dome

DFY: Fun-Sized Final Presentations on 2/1

Join us for the final presentations of Designing the First-Year Experience: Fun-Sized! Friday, 2/1 2:30-4 PM Room 3-370 DFY: Fun-Sized is a two-week design class that asks students to reimagine the MIT first-year experience in a bold new way. This Friday, students will be presenting their final concepts, including their long-term vision and a shorter-term…
aerial photo of MIT

Forum on Commencement Timing: 2/12, 7PM, 4-270

OVC is seeking feedback from the MIT community about a proposal to change the academic calendar, including moving the Commencement and hooding ceremonies into late May for most years. Everyone is welcome to attend a forum on February 12th at 7:00 PM in 4-270 and/or provide feedback via a short online form.  

Academic Exploration Breakfast for First-Year Students on Feb 4

First-year students are cordially invited to attend a breakfast on Registration Day to find out more about academic exploration subjects offered during the spring semester. Hosted by the OVC, the breakfast is a great opportunity to meet and mingle with the academic exploration instructors, learn about different majors, and get more details about these exploratory classes. No…
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