Each day our environment grows increasingly digital as we rely more and more on technology and the internet to accomplish everything from cutting-edge research to communicating with friends. In this increasingly digital world, it is essential that we ensure that all members of our community can participate. Right now, individuals with disabilities face barriers to access not only in the physical world but in the digital world as well.
In order to achieve an MIT that aligns our commitment to disseminating knowledge with our commitment to inclusivity and access, we are charging this Working Group with making recommendations for methods to increase the accessibility of MIT’s technology for individuals with disabilities.
In developing your recommendations, we ask that you:
- Consider MIT’s commitment to inclusivity and access as well as its commitment disseminating knowledge;
- Review current practices at MIT for technology, websites, and procurement;
- Consider current practices at other institutions of higher education as well as pertinent industry guidelines and technical standards;
- Reach out for input from the community; and
- Conduct any other data or fact finding helpful to the Working Group.
At the conclusion of your work, we ask that you make a recommendation of whether MIT should expand and/or develop new policies, guidelines, and/or procedures for digital accessibility, and if so, what those new policies, guidelines, and/or procedures should be. We ask that you also describe opportunities for further training, resources, and communications consistent with your recommendations.
We expect that the working group will begin its work as soon as possible, and thank the group in advance for their dedication to ensuring that MIT’s digital presence is accessible to users with disabilities.
- Danyel Barnard, Senior Director of Communications Initiatives, Office of VP for Communications
- Kathleen Cahill, Associate Dean Accessibility and Usability, Disability and Access Services
- Dahlia Fetouh, Counsel, Office of the General Counsel
- Peter Hirst, Senior Associate Dean for Executive Education, Sloan School of Management
- Timothy Jamison, Associate Provost and Robert R. Taylor Professor of Chemistry
- Eamon Kearns, Senior Director, Emerging Solutions, Information Systems & Technology
- Christina Lo, Director of Strategic Sourcing and Contracts, VPF
- Mary Markel Murphy, Senior Associate Dean, Office of the Vice Chancellor (Co-chair)
- Kathleen Monagle, Associate Dean, Student Disability Services, Student Support and Wellbeing
- Anthony Moriello, Associate Counsel, Office of the General Counsel
- Paul Parravano, Co-Director, Office of Government & Community Relations
- Marianna Pierce, Policy & Compliance Specialist, HR (Co-chair)
- Mary Ziegler, Program Manager, Online Accessibility, Open Learning