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Career Explorations Committee


The goals of the MIT Committee on Student Career Exploration and Services are to review aspects and activities associated with student career exploration and services, and to identify changes that would enhance exploration of, and access to, a broad range of careers in a manner that best serves student needs.

Specifically, the committee is charged with:
  1. Reviewing how MIT students currently explore careers and prepare themselves for the process of seeking a career, and their level of access to a diverse range of internships, full-time employment, and graduate and professional degree opportunities;
  2.  Evaluating student needs (by year, degree type, and academic program);
  3. Evaluating employer needs;
  4. Evaluating current career events and activities, including the fall Career Fair and those offered by other student organizations, departments and MIT offices;
  5. Recommending a set of principles, objectives and measurable outcomes for career exploration and services at MIT;
  6. Recommending options to enhance career exploration and services and increase access to a diverse range of internships, full-time employment, and graduate and professional degree opportunities.


The committee will provide an interim report to the Vice Chancellor on May 10, 2018 and a final report on November 15, 2018.

Committee Members

  • Scott Alessandro (Sloan)
  • Margaret Bertoni (Career Fair)
  • Isaiah Borne (Career Fair)
  • Gustavo Burkett (DSL)
  • Mary Jane Daly (SA+P)
  • David Darmofal (SOE, Chair)
  • Linda Griffith (SOE)
  • Lisa Guay (GSC)
  • Kathryn Jiang (UA)
  • Chris Kaiser (SOS)
  • Deborah Liverman (GECD)
  • Simantini Mitra-Behura (UA)
  • Melanie Parker (GECD)
  • Krithika Ramchander (GSC)
  • TL Taylor (SHASS)
  • Drew Weibel (Career Fair)


If you have any feedback or comments, please contact: Chair David Darmofal.