The First Generation/Low Income (FGLI) community members know now, more than ever, that staying connected to each other is so important. The student leaders of this community came together to develop a series called “Community Conversations,” a Zoom hangout every Friday night where FGLI students can come together to laugh, cry, and most importantly, stay…
In early March, the Office of the First Year (OFY) selected 96 undergraduate students to serve as 2020 Orientation Leaders (OLs), 12 of whom will serve as OL Captains and two of whom will serve in a newly created Logistics Coordinator role. Our OL Captains and Logistics Coordinators have already begun working with OFY staff…
Career Advising & Professional Development has launched a new web series entitled Overcoming Uncertainty. Through some fun images and a bit of humor, Jake Livengood, senior assistant director of Graduate Student Programs, and Erik Pavesic, assistant director of First Year Engagement, inform and entertain students to help them navigate the current COVID-19 situation. In episode…
The Infinite Careers Alumni Speaker Series — a collaboration between CAPD and the MIT Alumni Association — hosted its final event of the school year featuring Karin Goodfellow, MBA ’14, who spoke with students about her experience leading public art initiatives and policies for the City of Boston. Leading up to Karin’s event, the Infinite Careers series hosted seven…
Did you know that all graduating students are eligible to receive a digital version of their diploma at no cost? This year, the digital diploma program will be the most immediate way for students to receive their credentials and share them with potential employers, schools, family, and friends. Students must opt in to receive their…
The Office of the First Year (OFY) welcomed 172 rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors to serve as the new cohort of 2020-21 Associate Advisors for the Class of 2024. These knowledgeable and experienced students will support faculty advisors and a group of first-year students in a traditional, seminar, or learning community. On May 7, they…